
Role: UX-Designer / lead
Type: Case Study, Course assignment at Noroff
Tools: Figma, Figjam
Date: 04.03.2024 - 10.03.2024

WallX is a leading FinTech company offering comprehensive financial management solutions through its mobile and smart watch applications. With a target audience of tech-savvy young adults aged 20-30, WallX aims to provide a seamless user experience for tracking savings, managing expenses, budgeting, and facilitating convenient payments on-the-go.​


A 27-year-old who works at a cool tech company in the city. She's always busy and needs help keeping track of her money. Sarah wants to see how much she's saving, what she's spending her money on, and a simple way to pay for stuff when she's out and about.​ Sarah loves using her phone and smart watch for everything, like sending messages and checking her schedule


This is where WallX comes in...

User flow


Sarah get’s a notification on her smart watch from WallX

This project had a deadline of one week, which made me have to work very efficiently to finish. At the beginning of the project, I hadn't designed for smaller devices like smartwatches, so it was very educational to have the opportunity to do this. Based on this, it was important to consider accessibility concerns such as having large enough icons and text size.

Learning outcomes