
Where beauty bookings become effortless.

Task: Improve mobile website and booking process

Role: UX-designer

Type: Case study (a full rapport can be sent upon request)

Date: Nov - Dec 2023


Bridging the gap between stylists and clients. Our Noroff semester projects aims to revolutinoize their website, focusing on mobile optimization and enhancing user experience. Nabostylisten focuses on making it easy for up-and-coming stylists acquire clients, as well as simplifying the booking process of beauty services for customers.

Design thinking

Here you can see all the steps we have gone through in this project, as well as all the methods we used in each step. This case study only covers the main points. I have been actively involved in all phases of the process and participated in each stage. My main responsibility, however, was to allocate responsibilities to the team members and structure our schedule. This enabled us to complete all the necessary steps efficiently.


We conducted in-depth interviews and a collaborative survey as primary research, while literature reviews and competitor analysis served as secondary research. The research identified the challenges and requirements faced by users.

Synthesising data

Based on our research, we drew some insights and brainstormed on it as a team. We did this using Affinity mapping and Atomic research. This lead to the following conclusions:

  • Customers are generally positive about having stylists come to their homes, provided that steps has been taken to assure safety.

  • Although most people suggest that they do not want to spend a lot of money in beauty services, market figures indicate that there are still many who spend significant amounts on this.

  • Elderly (60+) also want to feel fresh, but often struggles to get to the saloon by them self.

In this phase, we wanted to generate diverse ideas through both divergent thinking - allowing for a broad exploration of possibilities, and convergent thinking - a focused selection of the best ideas.


Task flow: Book a service from a stylist

Information Architecture

Mid-Fi wireframes

We created a design manual to stay consistent to our design. We drew a lot of inspiration from competing options like Timma and Fixit, by using the ICAM method. This also facilitated collaboration within the team, allowing for easier work without variations in design.

Fonts: We paired up two sans serif fonts: “Raleway” and “Open Sans”. "Raleway" has an elegant and modern sans-serif style, while "Open Sans" has a more classic sans-serif style. Both fonts share a clean and simple design

Colours: The beige tone used as the background can convey an impression of subtle elegance and calmness. Here, we chose to focus on key words provided by Nabostylisten, such as playful, warm, approachable, and stress-free.

Style Guide and Moodboard

We converted our sketches into high-fidelity designs, and the product was ready to be tested. We focused on the booking process in our tests, as Nabostylisten aimed to make it smoother. Users were measured on: Completion rate, Error rate, time on task, and satisfaction rate. We used an in-person Scripted Lab Usability testing with observations. We also decided to combine two types of moderator approaches: concurrent think aloud and retrospective think aloud

When it came to ease-of-use, some of the changes were not as intuitive as we had hoped, leading to a slight decline in how easy the tasks were completed. We took the input and adjusted the design to make the various function more clear.

Prototype and testing

Final result - frames

Throughout the project, we have made the site more user-friendly by reviewing the content hierarchy. The categories make it easy for customers to navigate through the site, while the booking process has become smoother. Additionally, we have added a "Book again" option to the customer's profile.

The team abconsisted of different capabilities and personalities which they balanced and respected, making them a great team. Good team players.

They where respectful and listened to us as a client. All team members were curious, engaged and open minded which made them capable of seeing different personas and users of the product. Their prototype reflected the personas needs and actions, the booking flow was easy and understanding yet they had incorporated features for rebooking and key information to the user throughout the flow

Anne Mathilde Hystad

Co-founder Nabostylisten